Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!
Please refer to this page often for important announcements and information!
Transcript Request Form: Need a transcript? Click here to print and fill out. Turn in all transcript requests to Mrs. Romine.
Community Service Form: Use this form to keep track of the time you spend volunteering within the community. Click here.
College Day Form: Click here, print and turn in to Mrs. Barrera or Mrs. Romine. Juniors and seniors get two days each of those years.
Career Exploration: Not sure what you want to be when you grow up? Visit www.texascareercheck.com, click “Explore Careers” at the bottom left, and then click on “Interest Profiler” at the bottom. A short 60 question assessment could help point you in the right direction!
Credit by Exam: CBE registration is currently OPEN. Please see the counselor Mrs. Barrera for more information. Click here for more information from the TEA website.
Apply Texas: Ready to start your college application? Click here!
College Events: Please click here for an updated 2024-25 list of college events!
FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid): Please click here on the website www.fafsa.ed.gov to begin the process. For students attending any college or university, it is highly recommended you fill this out, even if you think you may not qualify! Please click here to get additional helpful information. Once at the site, click on “Your FAFSA Connection: Info, Answers, Tools” in the blue box.
FAFSA tutorial video: Click here. Click the tabs at the top to watch how to complete each section!
NCAA: Want to play sports in college? Sign up here with the NCAA!
Scholarships: See below Testing Information.
SAT Testing Dates:
2024–25 School Year Test Dates
SAT Test Date | Deadline for Registration* | Changes and Regular Cancellation |
Aug 24, 2024 | Aug 9, 2024 | Aug 13, 2024 |
Oct 5, 2024 | Sept 20, 2024 | Sept 24, 2024 |
Nov 2, 2024 | Oct 18, 2024 | Oct 22, 2024 |
Dec 7, 2024 | Nov 22, 2024 | Nov 26, 2024 |
Mar 8, 2025 | Feb 21, 2025 | Feb 25, 2025 |
May 3, 2025 | Apr 18, 2025 | Apr 22, 2025 |
June 7, 2025 | May 22, 2025 | May 27, 2025 |
For more information and/or to register, please visit http://www.collegeboard.org. Please see Mrs. Romine for practice tests. SAT test prep is also available at http://www.khanacademy.org.
ACT Testing Dates:
2024-2025 Test Dates
Test Date | Regular Registration Deadline Late Fee Applies After This Date |
Late Registration Deadline |
September 14, 2024 | August 9 | August 25 |
October 26, 2024 | September 20 | October 7 |
December 14, 2024 | November 8 | November 22 |
February 8, 2025 | January 3 | January 20 |
For more information and/or to register, please visit http://www.act.org/. Please see Mrs. Romine for practice tests.
The TSI Assessment is designed to determine if students are college ready in Math, Reading, and Writing. Please click here for information about the test. Some students may be exempt from taking the test, as they have already met the criteria for “college ready.” Click here for more information on exemptions.
The TSI is offered by Blinn-Schulenburg and Victoria College-Gonzales several times. Please click here for more information from Blinn and here for more information from Victoria College.
We will be offering the TSIA 2 here on our campus.
Scholarships are available to any senior who meets eligibility requirements. Please review the documents below to make applying easy!
Applying for Schlolarships?
Some scholarships require a general application, while others require a specific application.
General Application Scholarships:
To apply for general scholarships, first read “Scholarship List and Descriptions” to determine your eligibility for each scholarship. Click here to access the list.
Next, click here to access the general scholarship application.
A cover page should be printed and attached to each general scholarship application. Click here.
Specific Application Scholarships:
Please click on the specific application scholarships below to determine your eligibility. Each scholarship is categorized by due date.
Due March 7, 2025:
Navidad Valley CattleWomen Scholarship (Click here to access the application & rules) – Applicants must be a senior in high school, must be a resident of Lavaca, Fayette, or Colorado counties or must attend a high school in Fayette, Lavaca or Colorado counties. Your application must include 1) this completed application 2) a copy of your original high school transcript through mid-term of your senior year, including rank and GPA 3) a one page, minimum 300 word, essay regarding your agricultural influences and goals, involvemementin the beef industry and future goals in life 4) 3 photos of yourself (page provided) of activities you participated in with a brief caption by each. Original applicant, parent/guardian and counselor signatures are required on the 1st page of the application. The winner will be asked to attend the spring Navidad Valley CattleWomen’s monthly membership meeting. Please read all details and postmark requirements. All documents need to be mailed to Kay Gibson, Scholarship Chairman, 2321 Schulze Road, Muldoon, Texas 78949. Must be postmarked by March 7th!
Due March 8, 2025:
Texas Jaycee Foundation Scholarship (Click here to access application and detailed instructions) – To be eligible for this scholarship, you must be planning to continue your education at an accredited post-secondary college, university or vocational school. Make sure you read all of the instructions for applying on page 1. Your application must be POSTMARKED by March 8, 2025. You can email all of your documents to texasjayceefoundation@gmail.com OR mail them to Texas Jaycee Foundation, 1203 Skyline Court, College Station, Texas 77845.
Due March 14, 2025:
Cody Thompson Memorial Scholarship (Click here to access application and rules) – Graduating seniors must be from the following counties in Texas: Austin, Colorado, Fayette, Lavaca and Wharton who will further their education through a technical school, certification program or college or university. Completed application along with required documents are due by March 14th! Complete the application online at codythompsonmemorial.com or with the QR code here. No scholarships will be accepted by mail.
Texas Telephone Association Foundation Scholarship (Click here to access) – Please note – special consideration will be given to students who will be pursuing a college degree in fields of study which are of particular interest to telecommunications (such as math, business, education, technology, engineering, and computer science). Completed applications must be postmarked by March 14th and award winners will be announced late April 2025.
Due March 15, 2025:
Ag Trust Farm Credit Scholarship (Click here to access application and scholarship details) – Ag Trust Farm Credit will award 10 graduating seniors a $2500 scholarship. Each recipient’s home 4-H club or FFA chapter will receive $500. Applicants must be graduating in the spring of 2025 and submit their application postmarked by March 15th!!
LCRA College Scholarships (Click here to apply online) – Eligibility requirements are listed below:
High school senior accepted to attend Texas State Technical College, Tyler Junior College or Blinn College
Commit to interning with LCRA during summer breaks while attending college
Commit to three years of employment with LCRA post-graduation
Pursue an associate degree in an approved area of focus
Follow minimum hours per semester for your degree plan
Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0
Due March 17, 2025:
The Roy F. and Joann Cole Mitte Foundation Scholarship (Click here to access the link) – This scholarship is for students in Fayette and surrounding counties. Students must have a GPA of 3.0, show financial need, and plan to enroll in a full time undergraduate study at an accredited two year or four year college. Make sure you read what documents are required. The deadline to submit your application and required documents is March 17th by 3pm!
Due March 19, 2025:
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 870 Scholarship (Click here to access) – Applicant must answer all questions on the application and make sure it is legible, complete a typed essay between 125-200 words about the Vietnam War, attach a transcript and mail to Scholarship Committee, VVA Chapter 870, PO Box 83, Schulenburg, Texas 78956. All materials must be postmarked on or before March 19, 2025. The Scholarship Committee will review all applications and make their recommendations to the members for final approval.
Due March 21, 2025:
BVSCU “Funding the Future” Scholarship (Click here for rules and application) – Applicant must be a current member of Brazos Valley Schools Credit Union or join by March 21, 2025, be a high school senior and on schedule to graduate from an accredited school, submit all required documents with application, be able to provide BVSCU with a written acceptance letter to an accredited university or college that will award a degree upon completion, have a GPA that reflects a 3.0 or better and a be a US citizen or permanent legal resident.
Austin Petroleum Institute – American Chalk Chapter Scholarship (Click here to access) – Students must be majoring in a petroleum related field OR be the son or daughter of an API member. See application for details. All documents and application should be mailed to: Austin Chalk Chapter of American Petroleum Institute, PO Box 1601, Giddings, Texas 78942.
Heart O’ Texas Fair & Rodeo Scholarship (Click here to access application and details) – The Heart O' Texas Fair & Rodeo, held at the Extraco Events Center in Waco is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Their mission is to produce events for education, entertainment and agricultural experiences at the premier multi-use facility while giving back through youth scholarships and a positive economic impact to Central Texas.
Below is a list of information to be included with this completed application which must be emailed on or before March 21, 2025:
Official high school transcript (to include SAT or ACT score, GPA & Class Rank)
A recommendation letter from your Principal or Counselor
Two (2) letters of recommendation (other than family members)
A one-page essay to include 1) reasons why you qualify for our scholarship or 2) what accomplishments make you believe you are a good investment for receiving our scholarship.
You will submit your essay as a separate document (preferable in .pdf form) when you submit this application; the essay should be no more than one page and single spaced.
Due March 25, 2025:
Due March 28, 2025:
Fayette Memorial Funeral Home Scholarship (Click here for application) – Any senior of Fayette County, Texas high school who is pursuing a degree in Nursing, Mortuary Science or Emergency Medical Training can apply for this scholarship. Application and essays must be handwritten. Must be delivered or mailed to Fayette Memorial Funeral Home, Attn: Scholarship Committee, 967 East Colorado Street, La Grange, Texas 78945. If mailed, it must be received by March 28th!
Due March 31, 2025:
St. Paul Scholarship Foundation (Click here to access) – Applications will be accepted online between March 1 – 31, 2025. The individual awards and their amounts are based on responses to each scholarship cycle and the foundation's available funds. ​Applicant must be a Texas resident, must be a graduating high school senior the same school year in which you are applying, must demonstrate financial need, must have taken and received scores from the ACT/SAT test, minimum 2.0 GPA, must attend an accredited Texas college or university the fall semester following their graduation.
Emily Jean Fritsch Memorial Scholarship (Click here to access) – Print the application and fill out. Students must be involved in 4H or FFA, participate in athletics, be involved in community and church events, and be academically successful. Application and all documents should be turned into Mrs. Romine by 12pm!
Texas Big Game Scholarships (Click here to access) – Nine scholarships will be awarded, one per Region (eight total) and one overall top statewide. All applicants must be Agriculture and/or Natural Resource related majors. The selection process is based on a point-scale scoring system and each application is reviewed and ranked by a statewide scoring committee. Scholarships are open to any graduating high school senior, entering college freshman, sophomore, or junior. Students do not have to participate in the TBGA to be eligible for these scholarships, but those who have entered the Texas Big Game Awards will receive a preference point during the scoring process. Recipients must be able to attend their Regional TBGA Banquet in order to receive their scholarship. Place all of your application paperwork into one large envelope (do not fold) and mail to the following address: Texas Wildlife Association, c/0 TBGA, 6644 FM 1102, New Braunfels, Texas 78132. Must be postmarked by March 31st!
Due April 1, 2025:
Fayette County Farm Bureau Scholarship – (Click here for scholarship information and here for application) Must include transcript for all academic work, including rank and number in class, grade point average and college admission test scores. All items must be received by April 1, 2025. Drop off or mail to: Fayette County Farm Bureau, 411 E. Colorado, PO Box 338, La Grange, TX 78945.
Flatonia Farm Bureau - Preference goes towards AG studies but at least 4 H/FFA background. Parents or grandparents need to be Farm Bureau members. You can use the application posted for the Fayette County Farm Bureau Scholarship above. All items must be received by April 1, 2025. Drop off or mail to: Fayette County Farm Bureau, 411 E. Colorado, PO Box 338, La Grange, TX 78945.
Tyson Romine Memorial Scholarship (Click here to access) – Preference given for technical school acceptance, but all can apply. Turn in completed application along with high school transcript to Mrs. Romine by 12pm on April 1st!
Bob Hansen Memorial Scholarship (Click here for application) – Mr. Hansen enjoyed interacting with all students at FISD, whether they were in the band program or not. One of the things he promoted to all students is the importance of receiving some type of higher education; it did not matter if it was a certification, an associates or bachelors degree. He believed something more will help guide you to a more profitable and enjoyable life as an adult. Application and one letter of recommendation is due to Mrs. Romine by 12pm on April 1st!
Smith – McMillan Chapter – National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (Click here to apply) – The Smith-McMillan Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, is offering three scholarships to high school seniors in the spring of 2025. They are merit based and scored on a points system, so the entire application including the transcript and essay must be present to win. The application is the same for all three scholarships. The top scorer from the county will receive the memorial scholarship for the larger amount. Application(s) along with transcript must be mailed to Jeanne Schilling, 2222 Roznov Road, Fayetteville, Texas 78940. Documents MUST be received by April 1st!!
Shirley K. Pyburn Memorial Scholarship, Smith McMillan Chapter, NSDAR – $1500
(2) Smith McMillan Chapter, NSDAR Scholarships – $1000 each
Flatonia Lions Club Scholarship (Click here to access) – The student must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA. The scholarship will be divided between the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 semesters. An interview with the applicants will be scheduled prior to choosing the winners. Due to Mrs. Romine by NOON on April 1st. Participation in Lions club activities is highly desirable:
Fayette Saving Bank, ssb Scholarship (Click here for application & here for cover sheet) – Transcript is required. Cover sheet, application and transcript are to be turned into Mrs. Romine by noon on April 1st.
Amos Pavlik Memorial Scholarship (Click here to access) – Scholarship in the amount of $500 to a graduating Fayette County high school senior who exemplifies academic achievement, outstanding merit, and the spirit of involvement, volunteerism and leadership as evidenced through extracurricular activities. Applicants must be able to show that they have Czech ancestry and express in an essay what their Czech heritage means to them. Make sure you look at all eligibility requirements. Completed application must be mailed/postmarked by April 1, 2025 to Fayette County Czech Heritage Society, Scholarship Committee, c/o Carolyn Heinsohn, 1034 S. Madison Street, La Grange, Texas 78945.
Fayette Electric Coop Scholarship (Click here to access the rural & trade school scholarship application) – Fayette Electric Cooperative will once again offer six $1,500 scholarships to successful applicants in 2025. They have two different scholarship applications – one academic and one for those attending a trade or technical school. Both applications have been posted to the co-op’s website and can be found at www.fayette.coop/scholarships. All scholarship applications will be done online only. I suggest each student read through the application, gather their materials, prepare their answers, and then begin the application. You cannot save and go back. It will also be submitted online – no more dropping off or sending in the mail.
Students will be asked to upload a current official transcript that has been dated, signed and/or sealed by the school – these should include the students’ SAT and/or ACT scores. Students will also be asked to upload a copy of their fall and spring (2024-2025) course schedule.
This contest is available only to those students whose parents/guardians are full-time residents and members of Fayette Electric Cooperative. Students whose parents are members of another cooperative most likely can apply on that cooperative’s website. Students should know which cooperative their parents/guardians are members of and apply accordingly.
Capital Farm Credit Scholarship (Click here to access online application) – Funds shall be used to attend an accredited vocational or technical school, college or university. Students must maintain full time status. Applicants must be high school seniors, graduating within the current school year. Applicants must demonstrate that they have a tentative educational plan and goals, related to fields in agriculture or natural resources. Applicants must include the following documents for consideration: completed application, 2 letters of recommendation and recent high school transcript. Applications and all supporting documents must be submitted by April 1st!
Colorado Valley Telephone Cooperative Scholarship (Click here for cover sheet & application) – They will award scholarships to qualified students residing in their service area that live in a household that receives telephone service from CVTV, home address required and determines eligibility. Applicant must have applied for admission to a college/university, must maintain sound academic record, financial need, school and community involvement. Mail completed applications to Colorado Valley Telephone Cooperative, Attn: Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 130, La Grange, Texas 78945. Must be postmarked or hand delivered by/on April 1st! Completed applications including transcript will be given primary consideration. Incomplete or late applications may be considered ineligible.
Fayette Electric Coop Scholarship (Click here to access the rural & trade school scholarship application) – Fayette Electric Cooperative will once again offer six $1,500 scholarships to successful applicants in 2024. They now have two different scholarship applications – one academic and one for those attending a trade or technical school. Both applications have been posted to the co-op’s website and can be found at www.fayette.coop/scholarships. All scholarship applications will be done online only. I suggest each student read through the application, gather their materials, prepare their answers, and then begin the application. You cannot save and go back. It will also be submitted online – no more dropping off or sending in the mail.
Students will be asked to upload a current official transcript that has been dated, signed and/or sealed by the school – these should include the students’ SAT and/or ACT scores. Students will also be asked to upload a copy of their fall and spring (2024-2025) course schedule.
This contest is available only to those students whose parents/guardians are full-time residents and members of Fayette Electric Cooperative. Students whose parents are members of another cooperative most likely can apply on that cooperative’s website. Students should know which cooperative their parents/guardians are members of and apply accordingly.
Pocket Nurse Scholarship (Click here details and here to apply) – The Pocket Nurse Scholarship Fund was created at The Pittsburgh Foundation by Pocket Nurse, a nurse owned and operated company, to assist qualified applicants to pursue their education in the fields of Allied Health, Nursing, and Nursing Faculty. Complete application online including the essay section. Submit your Student Aid Report (SAR), Two letters of reference from individuals unrelated to you and unofficial high school transcript are required.
Catholic Daughters – Sacred Heart Flatonia Branch (click here for application) – Must be turned into Mrs. Romine by noon on April 1st!
Kreische Brewery & Monument Hill Scholarship (Click here for information sheet & here for application) – There will be $1500 scholarships offered to high school seniors in Fayette, Lavaca and Colorado counties. Applicants must: have applied for and been accepted to a post-secondary school, consider a major/course of study for a career in public service, maintain at least a B average during their senior school year, complete the scholarship application including essay. The selection committee will be composed of three representatives from the Friends Organization. Applicants will be given consideration for the scholarship when all of the following have been received by the scholarship committee: completed application form, transcript for all academic work including GPA, proof of acceptance by a recognized post-secondary educational institution. Application and all supporting documents are due to Mrs. Romine by noon on April 1st!
Swiss Alp, Ammannsville, Dubina Farm Bureau Scholarship (Click here for application/details) – The applicant’s parents/guardians or grandparents must be members of the Swiss Alp, Ammannsville, Dubina Farm Bureau. Please read all requirements listed on the application. Transcript is required to be turned in with completed application. All documents are due to Mrs. Romine by 12pm on April 1st!
Texas Rural Water Foundation Scholarship (Click here to access details and application) – The Student Scholarship Program, administered by the Texas Rural Water Foundation (TRWF), was established to recognize and assist qualified individuals in their pursuit of a higher education and a potential career in the water and/or wastewater industry. The TRWF Student Scholarship Program is designed to help offset the costs of tuition, fees, books and/or room and board. The number of annual scholarships awarded, and the amount of each scholarship is based upon the number of qualified applicants and the amount of funds in the TRWF Scholarship Fund for the academic year. Qualifications:
Texas Resident
U.S. Citizen
Attending a college, university, or vocational school in 2025-2026
Letter of recommendation
To be eligible for any student scholarship, applicants must complete the application in its entirety, sign the certification statement, and have a parent certify the application by 11:59 p.m. on April 1, 2025.
Greater Fayette Community Foundation Scholarships (click here to apply) – Students will need to create an account to apply. There is a tutorial video for students if they need help along with contact information. All of the following scholarships are due by April 1st!
GFCF Technical Education Scholarship – This is a minimum $1,000 scholarship offering financial assistance to a high school graduating senior who intends to further their education and training beyond their high school degree at an accredited trade school or program. Factors to be considered include community service and volunteer activities, financial need, a sound academic record and the character of the applicant. Priority will be given to students not in the top ten percent of their class but excludes no applicant.
Professions of the Healing Arts Scholarship – This is a minimum $1,500 scholarship offering financial assistance to high school graduating senior from Lavaca and Fayette County who intends to pursue a career in audiology, speech-language pathology, physical therapy, occupational therapy, or mental/behavioral health.
Building Brighter Futures Scholarship – This is a minimum $750 scholarship offering financial assistance to high school graduating senior or college student from Fayette County who has been referred to a juvenile court in Fayette County to further their education.
Joe & Carolyn Bailey Scholarship – This is a $2,500 scholarship, awarded annually for all four years of undergraduate study, offering financial assistance to first-generation students graduating from Flatonia High School who intend to further their education and training beyond their high school degree at an accredited university, college, or trade school. Factors considered include community service and volunteer activities, financial need, a sound academic record, and the character of the applicant. While priority is given to students outside the top ten percent of their class, all applicants are encouraged to apply.
Suzy Romberg Scholarship – This is a minimum $2,500 scholarship offering financial assistance to first-generation students graduating from Flatonia High School who intend to further their education and training beyond their high school degree at an accredited university, college, or trade school. Factors to be considered include community service and volunteer activities, financial need, a sound academic record, and the character of the applicant. Priority will be given to students not in the top ten percent of their class but excludes no applicant.
La Grange Optimist Club Scholarship (Click here for application and here for cover sheet) – Students MUST submit a transcript and TWO letters of recommendation. Application and documents should be mailed to La Grange Optimist Club, PO Box 672, La Grange, Texas 78945. Must be received by April 1st!
Wayne M. Hunt Memorial Scholarship (Click here to access the application) – See application for specific details. All documents are due to Mrs. Romine by NOON on April 1st!!
Hermann Sons Lodge #14 Scholarship (Click here for application) – Scholarship Requirements: 1. Must be a Hermann Sons Member in good standing. 2. Complete the entire attached Application Form. 3. Complete the Handwritten Self-Appraisal, telling the scholarship committee about yourself, your family, and your involvement with the Hermann Sons organization.
Due April 4, 2025:
The Rotary Club of Flatonia “Service Above Self” Merit Scholarship (Click here to access the criteria sheet and application) – Please read the packet thoroughly. All parts of the application must be submitted online using the link on the criteria sheet. The online application will included the following: 1) headshot of yourself, 2) 3 letters of recommendation (1 – Teacher and 2 – Community Members (Pastor, Employer, Camp Counselor, etc). 3) High school transcript, 4) Scholarship Statement of Service – Essay. The deadline for completing the online application is noon on April 4th!
Flatonia Baptist Church Youth Scholarship (Click here for general application & here for personal testimony) – Students must complete the general application as well as the personal testimony attached. See eligibility rules for more questions. Please include a transcript and letter or letters of recommendation. Application and other documents should be mailed to Flatonia Baptist Church, PO Box 305, Flatonia, Texas 78941. Must be received by April 4th!
Claud and Betty Baumbach Memorial Scholarship (Click here for application) – Please see application for eligibility and requirements. Must be active in FFA. Application plus transcript are due to Mrs. Romine by noon on April 4th.
Due April 9, 2025:
Band Booster Scholarship (Click here for application) – The graduating student must: • Have been a member of the FHS band all four (4) years of high school or transfers from another school band program meeting the same requirements. • Have remained a band member in good standing. • Participated in at least one band booster fundraiser each year of high school and conducted senior year bake sale. • Write a one (1) page essay on “How band has affected my life.” • Provide two (2) letters of reference. • Enroll in the military or institute of higher learning ie: college, university, junior college or trade school. • Complete this application and turn it in to Mrs. Romine by 12pm on April 9th!
Due April 11, 2025:
Masek/Vrana FFA Service & Leadership Scholarship (Click here to access) – Please see application for eligibility and requirements. Application can be turned in to Mrs. Veselka by 12pm on April 11th.
Due April 15, 2025:
Carl W. Johnson Challenge Award – Carl went home to be with the Lord on May 3, 2000 after a long and valiant fight with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Carl was born on 26 August 1968. He graduated from Flatonia High School in 1986. He completed his freshman and sophomore years at Southwest Texas State University before his disease undermined his mobility. Carl was very proud of his one half Native American heritage. Carl was a gift to our family. When family and friends reflect on distinctive and distinguishing characteristics Carl possessed and carried in his day-to-day life, a common thread appears. Some words that continuously appear are: bravery, perseverance, patience, positive and kindness. But the phrase that everybody contributed was: I never heard Carl complain or ask “why me”. Though disease seized his physical body, it could not touch his spirit. Carl knew his time was short. He told his parents, don’t worry about me. I know where I’m going, remember the happy times… We, as a family strive to not weep because he’s gone, but to smile because his life happened and we were a part of it. In our effort to celebrate his life, we created this award because of the acceptance the Flatonia community gave Carl and family. The attributes of a small town are sometimes overlooked or undervalued. But the townspeople and in particular Flatonia High School embraced Carl in everything he endeavored. During the 1985-1986 Flatonia Bulldog All-Sports Banquet, for the first time, an award was presented to the most dedicated and loved fan, Carl Johnson, for which he received a standing ovation. It is for these reasons we offer the Carl W. Johnson Challenge Award to deserving students of Flatonia High School. As graduating seniors, it is our wish that you reach for the stars. And maybe, through bravery, perseverance, patience and kindness you will succeed. That’s what Carl would want. Use the general application for this scholarship. Include two letters of recommendation, transcript and please discuss how you have overcome life challenges in your essay. Must be received by April 15, 2025 and mail to: Robert W. Johnson, Carl W. Johnson Challenge Award, 7311 Sound Drive, Emerald Isle, NC 28594.
RESTORE Scholarship (Click here for application and rules) – The Gerloff Company, Inc. is awarding scholarships to deserving high school seniors who are continuing their education at a college, university or trade school. Depending on the number of applications, multiple $1000 scholarships will be awarded. The individual scholarship will be made payable to the student and is meant to be used to assist with tuition, room and board, books, and/or any other expenses associated with the cost in obtaining a degree or certification from a college, university or trade school. Qualifications: fully completed application, graduating high school senior, have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 or a 80% or better, include a copy of your high school transcript, attend a school district that is an emergency preparedness plan partner of Gerloff Company, include 2 letters of recommendation from persons not related to applicant (clergy, teacher, superintendent, employer, etc), include a brief autobiography and statement of career plan (maximum 2 pages), must be Texas resident. The application and attachments must be postmarked or emailed by April 15th! The mailing address is Gerloff Company, Inc., Attn: Scholarship Committee, 14955 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, Texas 78247 or scholarship@gerloffinc.com.
FAYCO Sport & Spine Scholarship (Click here for application) – FayCo will be awarding two $1000 scholarships to 2025 FHS graduates. To be eligible, applicants must meet the following criteria:
Be eligible for graduation from Flatonia ISD for the 24-25 school year.
Be enrolled in a college, university, or trade school. Proof of registration must be provided prior to receiving funds.
Properly and completely fill out the application and submit with one letter of recommendation from a teacher, coach or administrator.
Attach a copy of your high school transcript.
Application and all documents are due to Mrs. Romine by 12pm on April 15th!
Due April 21, 2025:
Kyla Faith Drozd Memorial Scholarship (Click here for application) – Applicant should have a sound academic record, be of good character, be involved in Fayette County 4-H or Fayette County FFA, be active in school activities/athletics/clubs, be active in community/church/civic entities. Applicants must intend to further his/her education and training beyond his/her high school diploma at an accredited university, college or trade school. Applicants must be a graduate of a Fayette County High School, Class of 2025. Amount of scholarship will be determined annually based on funds and number of recipients. Due to Mrs. Romine by noon on April 21st!
Due April 24, 2025:
L.O.R.I. Scholarship Fund (Click here to access the application and details) – See application for specific details.The L.O.R.I. Scholarship is in memory of Lori Mica Berger. Lori was a Leader; she was Outgoing; she was Responsible and she was Involved. Application and other documents are due to Mrs. Romine by 12pm on April 24th!
Due April 30, 2025:
Masonic Children & Family Services of Texas Scholarship (Click here for application) – Selection will be based on the following criteria: career goals which will be enabled by higher education, community activities over the past few years, academic achievements, school activities, financial need, employment experience, masonic affiliations, services previously received from Mason Children & Family Services of Texas and letters of recommendation. Each scholarship this year will be in the amount of $2500 deposited into the student’s account at their college. Proof of registration for classes will be required before funds are deposited. Applications can be submitted by email to shannon@mcfstx.org or by mail to: Masonic Children & Family Services of Texas, Attn: Scholarship Committee, 1240 Keller Parkway, Suite 200, Keller, Texas 76248. Final deadline for receiving the application is April 30, 2025.
Due September 15, 2024:
The Gates Scholarship (Click here fact sheet and here for online application) – The Gates Scholarship (TGS) is a highly selective, last-dollar scholarship for outstanding, minority, high school seniors from low-income households. Each year, the scholarship is awarded to exceptional student leaders, with the intent of helping them realize their maximum potential.
To apply, students must be:
Additionally, a student must plan to enroll full-time, in a four-year degree program, at a US accredited, not-for-profit, private or public college or university.
Due September 30, 2024:
Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation (Click here to access) – To be eligible to apply, applicants must be:
· Current high school/home-schooled students attending school in one of the 50 U.S. states, Puerto Rico, or select DoD schools who will graduate high school during the 2024-2025 academic school year (students graduating from an American or expat school abroad are not eligible for this award)
· U.S. Citizens (not a Temporary Resident), U.S. Nationals, U.S. Permanent Residents, Refugees, Asylees, Cuban-Haitian Entrants, or Humanitarian Parolees – based on the guidelines utilized by U.S. Department of Education for Federal Financial Aid eligibility
· Planning to pursue a degree at an accredited U.S. post-secondary institution
· Selected Scholars must present a minimum overall B/3.0 GPA in high school coursework
The “No Sweat” Scholarship (Click here to access) – Applicant must be a legal resident of the United States and currently enrolled in grade school. No minimum GPA or long essay. Just sign up and apply!
Due October 6, 2024:
Celebrating Texas Public Schools (Click here to access) – This scholarship is for graduating seniors who can use their voice and visual media to share how their public school education has impacted them. This scholarship aims to highlight the “Great Things Happening in Texas Public Schools” from the student’s perspective. Those interested in applying for the scholarship must do the following:
Due December 1, 2024:
Hagan Scholarship Foundation (Click here to access) – Nationwide need based merit scholarship designed to help rural students graduate college debt-free. Applicants must have a substantial financial need and must graduate from one of over 6,000 eligible public high schools. Recipients are selected based upon academic ability, achievement in and out of school, personal goals and future promise. Recipients must maintain a four-year graduation schedule, achieve a 3.00 GPA each semester, maintain a 3.25 CGPA, earn 30 credit hours each academic year excluding summer school credits and work 240 hours in the 12 months prior to fall semester enrollment at college.
Due December 31, 2024:
Blinn Scholarships (Click here to access) – The Blinn College District endowed scholarship application for the 2024 – 25 academic year will remain open until December 31, 2024. To apply for the endowed scholarship, you must have the following items completed: application for admission to Blinn College, Submit your high school transcript to the Admissions Office and fill out your FAFSA application.
Due January 9, 2025:
National FFA Scholarship (Click here for online application and details) – If you are a senior FFA member in high school, just one application is required for multiple scholarship opportunities totaling nearly $2.5 million. Whether you are pursuing a trade school, vocational certificate or a two-year or four-year degree, don’t miss your chance to apply for a National FFA Scholarship to help with your next steps in education.
Due January 10, 2025:
Dairy Farmers of America Cares Scholarship (Click here for online application) – Submit your DFA Cares Scholarship application by 11:59 pm, Jan 12th. Please include the following:
TASB Governance Camp 2025 (Click here for application and details) – High school seniors are invited to be part of the student panel and scholarship program at the Texas Association of School Boards' 2024 Governance Camp. Five students will be selected to share personal stories about their experiences in Texas public schools. Each selected student will receive a $1,500 scholarship.
You must be a currently enrolled high school senior in a Texas public high school.
You must commit to attend and participate in the 2025 Governance Camp.
Thursday, March 6: Panel practice and dinner function (5:30–9 p.m.)
Friday, March 7: Winners will serve on a panel immediately following breakfast as well as take part in additional assignments throughout the day. More details will be provided if selected.
If selected, recipients will receive a $1,500 scholarship and reimbursement of up to $1,000 for travel expenses to and from Galveston. Additionally, you are encouraged to bring up to two guests with you; hotel accommodations will be covered by TASB.
Application submission deadline is 5:00 p.m. CT on January 10, 2025.
Due January 15, 2025:
Texas Farm Credit Scholarship Programs (Click here to access) – Each Texas Farm Credit branch location will select one local student who will be awarded a $1000 academic grant and title of Ag Champ. Students must be a member of FFA or 4H and be a graduating senior. See www.texasfcs.com/ for more information.
Due January 31, 2025:
H-E-B Scholarship Opportunity (Click here to access) – You must be a current Texas high school senior graduating in 2025 with a minimum 3.3 GPA, have participated in a UIL competition as a high school student and have been active in community service programs or events.
DAR Scholarships (Click here to see the list of scholarships) – Scholarship applications are accepted November 1, 2024 – January 31, 2025. Applicants must be citizens of the USA and attend or plan to attend an accredited college or university in the USA. To apply, visit the online application portal found on the DAR website at: https://dar.academicworks.com/.
Texas Student Housing Application (Click here to access) – This scholarship is for students accepted to colleges in Austin, College Station and Denton who have not signed off campus housing leases.
HLSR Go Texan Scholarship (Click here for more information & application) – Applications should be completed by following the scholarship application procedure and criteria of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo (Residency, academic standing, graduation, etc).
Due February 7, 2025:
Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Foundation (Click here to access) – TSCRF offers scholarships to students pursuing degrees in ag-related programs such as Animal Science, Pre-Vet, Agribusiness, Range Management, or Wildlife. Applicants must be graduating high school seniors or college undergraduates currently enrolled or accepted at an accredited university in Texas or Oklahoma. Applicants are selected on the basis of their interest in the industry, leadership, academic achievement, and financial need. Please make sure you read all qualifications listed on the online application!!
Due February 14, 2025:
Best Little Cowboy Gathering (Click here to access) - Make sure you include a transcript with test scores plus two letters of recommendation. Application must be mailed and received no later than February 14th! Mail application and all documents to Best Little Cowboy Gathering, Attn: Scholarship Program, PO Box 763, La Grange, Texas 78945. Winner must be able to work at the Cowboy Gathering at the La Grange Fair Grounds on March 6-9th!
Due February 15, 2025:
Texas Exes Fayette County Scholarship (Click here to access) – The Texas Exes Fayette County Chapter awards scholarships to incoming freshmen based upon need and accomplishment. Students can apply even if they have not yet been admitted to the University of Texas at Austin.
Hispanic Scholarship Fund (Click here to apply online) – Eligibility:
Must be of Hispanic heritage
U.S. citizen, permanent legal resident, or DACA
Minimum of 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) for high school students; minimum of 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) for college and graduate students
Plan to enroll full-time in an accredited, public or not-for-profit, four-year university, or graduate school, in the U.S., for the 2025-2026 academic year
Submit the FAFSA or state-based financial aid forms (if applicable)
Texas 4-H Opportunity Scholarship Program (Click here for details and to apply) – Texas 4-H Opportunity Scholarships are academic scholarships awarded each year to applicants based on their academic record, 4-H experience, and financial need. Deadline to apply online is February 15th at midnight.
Due February 16, 2025:
SPE-GCS Scholarship (Click here to access application) – The Society of Petroleum Engineers Gulf Coast Scholarship is a scholarship for students pursuing a career in the energy industry. The scholarship is a renewable yearly scholarship, up to 4 years ($2000/semester. $4000/academic year). Applications are due February 16th! Must be a graduating high senior, currently residing in the 29 counties included in the SPE-GCS (Harris & surrounding counties, full list on website), enrolling in an engineering or science program at a university in the fall. Minimum ACT of 24 or SAT of 1200. Scholarship applications open on December 1st and close on February 16th!
Due February 17, 2025:
TDECU Student Member Scholarship (Click here for online application) – Applicants to the TDECU Student Member Scholarship Program must:
Be a TDECU Student Member as of the application deadline date.
Be a current high school senior who plans to enroll in full-time undergraduate study at an accredited two-year or four-year college, university, or vocational-technical school for the entire upcoming academic year.
Due February 28, 2025:
Association for Compensatory Educators of Texas (Click here to access application) – ACET offers twenty scholarships annually to graduating high school students. The tuition scholarships are for $1,000 and are payable directly to the college, university, or other post-secondary institution of the student's choice. Student applicants must provide documented proof of participation in a compensatory education program sometime during their school career. The definition of compensatory programs is a program that provides remedial assistance and support for students who have failed TAKS or are at-risk of dropping out of school. Additional programs include programs for migrant, Title I, Bilingual/ESL, pregnant or parenting students and homeless students.
Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented Scholarships (Click here for details and to apply online) – With the help of our generous donors, TAGT offers over $30,000 annually in student scholarship opportunities. By providing the right opportunities we may just spark the minds that will discover innovative answers to the most challenging questions of their generation. These scholarships have the potential to change a student’s life forever.
Due March 1, 2025:
TXDOT Conditional Grant Program (Click here to access) – Available to eligible students who are considered to be economically disadvantaged and a graduating high school student who is a Texas resident, has overall minimum GPA of 3.00, has a minimum score of 9000 on the SAT or 21 on the ACT, plans to attend an accredited 4 year college or university as a full time student, declares an intent to major in civil engineering or a department approved operational business discipline and agrees to work for the department for two years immediately following the date of the student’s receipt of degree, is not more than 30 days delinquent in providing child support under a court order or written repayment plan. The grant amount is the sum of the certified tuition and fees each semester plus a stipend based upon the student’s documented financial need. The max amount for each semester is $3000 or $6000 per year.
Catholic Life Insurance (Click here to access) – Students must be a member of Catholic Life Insurance and enter a college, university or trade school in fall of 2024. Selections will be based on scholastic achievement, demonstration of leadership qualities and community service. Applications supporting materials must be mailed and received no later than March 1, 2025!
Fayette County Texas A&M University Scholarship (Click here to access) – Applicants should be strong academically, exhibit leadership qualities, demonstrate financial need, be of good character, and have participated in school and/or community activities. Please note: Please print the A&M cover page. The first five pages of the actual application are just like the general application. You may print the general application and then print part 6: certification of this application. Transcript is required. Applications must be received or postmarked no later than March 1, 2025. Mail completed application to Fayette Co A&M Club, PO Box 1044, La Grange, TX 78945.
Fayette County Go Texan Local Scholarship (Click here to access application) – The Fayette County Go-Texan Committee is looking to award scholarships to high school senior candidates who reside in Fayette County that desire to continue education beyond high school. Scholarships will not only be based on academic achievements but school and community involvement. Scholarships will be awarded based on historical involvement in FFA and/or 4-H (minimum of 2 years in high school), community service and commitment to helping others. They are looking for well-rounded applicants and those that demonstrate the ability to excel in a post-secondary academic environment or exhibit the desire to gain vocational training at a technical college or vocational school. Checklist: include the completed application, current official transcript stamped by high school counselor, attach 2 references (1 reference can be a school affiliated reference and 1 reference must be from a non-school affiliated, non-family individual), make sure you sign the first page of the application. Applications are due to David Urban ON or BEFORE March 1, 2025. Application plus supporting documents should be emailed to David Urban at davidu2921@gmail.com or drop off at his office located at 315 E North Main St, Flatonia, TX 78941.
Texas Exes Fayette County Scholarship (Click here to access) – The Texas Exes Fayette County Chapter awards scholarships to incoming freshmen based upon need and accomplishment. Students can apply even if they have not yet been admitted to the University of Texas at Austin.
Due March 3, 2025:
Turtle Wing Foundation Scholarship (Click here for rules and here for application) – There are 3 different scholarships you may apply for. Be specific as to which one you are applying for. Make sure you read the scholarship rules! Application and documents must be scanned and emailed to info@turtlewingfoundation.org no later than March 3, 2025.
Memorial Foundation Asthma Scholarship Award (Click here to apply) – This $3000 one-time award will be granted to up to give qualified and deserving Texas high school seniors who suffer from asthma. Applicants must be seniors attending a Texas high school during the 2024-2025 school year that suffer from asthma, and who plan to go to college after high school graduation. The award will be payable directly to the college or university of choice in the students name. The deadline to apply online is March 3rd!
Texas Farm Bureau Youth Scholarships (Click here for application and rules) – There are three available scholarship programs for high school students who have not yet graduated: TFB District Scholarship, TFB Young Farmer & Rancher High School Scholarship and TFB Dick Mitchell Memorial Scholarship. All scholarship applications must be submitted online no later than 11:59 pm on March 3rd.
The GVTC Foundation Ola Armstrong and Ritchie T. Sorrells Scholarships (Click here to access more information on both scholarships) – These two scholarships are for students who live in the GVTC area and subscribe to at least one GVTC service. If this applies to you, please click on the link and complete one or both scholarship applications.
GVTC Foundation Vocational/Technical Scholarship (Click here to access) – Recipients of this scholarship will have demonstrated a commitment to continuing education in pursuit of a degree or certification in a vocational or technical field. Please read all of the requirements carefully. Online application is due by midnight on March 3rd.
Due March 5, 2025:
Fayette County Fair Scholarship (Click here to access checklist and here to access application) – All students are encouraged to apply for this scholarship, but priority will be given to those who have participated in the fair in some way. Please note that letters of recommendation and a transcript are required. They request that applicants answer all questions and emphasize that #30 Self Appraisal on the last page be handwritten. Must be postmarked by March 5th! Mail to” Fayette County Fair Association, PO Box 544, La Grange, Texas 78945. After you mail your application, please send an email to info@fayettecountyfair.org & make the subject line “Scholarships”. In the body of the email tell them who you are and that you sent in an application so they know to expect it. They will reply to your email telling you they received it. If you do not receive the confirming email by March 15th, please contact them via email.